Gospel Musings

Luke‬ ‭12 A Thousand Elsewhere

Luke‬ ‭12

If you read one thing today, let it be the words of Jesus in Luke‬ ‭12:22-34‬ titled ‘Do Not Be Anxious’. These words have made me consider, feel comforted, calmed, called...

Luke‬ ‭12

If you read one thing today, let it be the words of Jesus in Luke‬ ‭12:22-34‬ titled ‘Do Not Be Anxious’. These words have made me consider, feel comforted, calmed, called...

Colossians‬ ‭3 A Thousand Elsewhere

Colossians‬ ‭3

This section of Colossians 3, ‘Put On the New Self’ can be broken down into a command, why, what and how—a great passage to journal through.

Colossians‬ ‭3

This section of Colossians 3, ‘Put On the New Self’ can be broken down into a command, why, what and how—a great passage to journal through.

Isaiah‬ ‭43 A Thousand Elsewhere

Isaiah‬ ‭43

This section of the passage can be broken down into 4 sections:1. God delivered Israel in the Exodus (16-17)2. Remember not the former things; things of old consider not (18)3....

Isaiah‬ ‭43

This section of the passage can be broken down into 4 sections:1. God delivered Israel in the Exodus (16-17)2. Remember not the former things; things of old consider not (18)3....

Psalm‬ ‭62 A Thousand Elsewhere

Psalm‬ ‭62

This is a beautiful Psalm that reminds me I can talk to Jesus like I talk to my husband or my therapist. I can open my heart up, and spill it...

Psalm‬ ‭62

This is a beautiful Psalm that reminds me I can talk to Jesus like I talk to my husband or my therapist. I can open my heart up, and spill it...

Exodus‬ ‭33 A Thousand Elsewhere

Exodus‬ ‭33

What does rest mean to you? If you asked me in various stages of my life, I would have said sitting down to watch a movie or show with my husband...

Exodus‬ ‭33

What does rest mean to you? If you asked me in various stages of my life, I would have said sitting down to watch a movie or show with my husband...

Joel 2 A Thousand Elsewhere

Joel 2

Those three words “yet even now” are some of the most underrated words of comfort in the gospel.

Joel 2

Those three words “yet even now” are some of the most underrated words of comfort in the gospel.