ATE  A Thousand Elsewhere
30 DAYS  These challenges run on 30-day months

Over the years I have hugely benefited from participating in various Bible reading challenges and I eventually started to develop and host my own.

5 Transformative Changes From 30 Days of Bible Reading

ATE30DAYS is a Bible reading challenge that fills our heads and hearts with scripture everyday for a month. I use the S.O.A.P. devotional method to dig into the word with lettering, what works for you? How do you prioritize resting in and reflecting on God's word? Be it: writing, Bible journaling, art, doodles, poetry, photography, meditation, intentional rest... whatever YOU are into—use it to get into and reflect on the word. The point is connecting the living gospel to your real, messy, everyday life. For those concerned about the 30-day commitment, feel free to jump in whenever you like. No pressure to do them all. I would love if you could use #ATE30DAYS so we can all share and learn together, let's keep each other accountable.

How does it work?

Step 1: Scripture

Read the verse(s) of the day (e.g: Day 3 = [Month] 3rd) 

Step 2: Observation

Choose and meditate on the verse(s) that stood out to you in your reading. As you reflect on the verse(s), ask yourself or journal around these questions:

What do I learn about:

  • God / Relating to God
  • People / Relating to people

Step 3: Application

As you reflect on and get creative around the verse(s) that stand out to you, ask yourself or journal around these questions:

What does God want me to:

  • Understand / Believe
  • Desire / Do

(For the creatives - need inspiration? Use the prompt!)

Step 4: Prayer

Ask God to give you the eyes to see and the ears to hear what He is revealing to you in the daily reading. 


Share your meditation (whatever that looks like for you) with the hashtag #ATE30DAYS and tag me @athousandelsewhere

You can follow the hashtag #ATE30DAYS to see everyone else's entries

The following is all the ATE30DAYS challenges I have hosted on social.

*Note: I have participated in many lettering challenges over the years that I would have included in ATE30DAYS at the time, but I have only included the challenges that I personally developed and hosted below.